In Uruguay, the Joint Programme’s support focussed on raising public awareness on HIV and sexual and reproductive health services while strengthening the capacity of key populations to advocate for their rights to health, social support and dignity. In 2022, the State Health Services Administration approved the inclusion of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the recommended antiretroviral treatment options available in all public healthcare services following a successful joint advocacy by civil society, Universidad de la República (UDELAR) Faculty of Medicine and the Joint Programme. In addition, 150 healthcare professionals improved their skills in delivering combination HIV prevention services, including pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis through a virtual training (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat).
HIV prevention and testing awareness was strengthened through the dissemination of over 116 000 copies of leaflets and infographic posters promoting prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis, HIV testing, proper and consistent use of condoms and the current HIV situation in the country. Moreover, a total of 3000 female and male sex workers benefited from better services following the training of healthcare providers in 24 health centres on the provision of comprehensive health services from a rights perspective, in partnership with the Municipality of Montevideo and civil society organizations (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, 157 students and health professionals also enhanced their understanding of HIV prevention, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and sexual diversity through a course organized by the UDELAR in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and the civil society organization Ovejas Negras (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). A total of 45 women and young people with hearing disabilities were also sensitized on HIV and STI prevention and sexual and reproductive health and rights through sign language awareness-raising sessions co-organized by the civil society organization Anguirú Group and the Joint Programme; supplemented by four video spots on the same topics that were created in accessible format (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat).
Advocacy for the rights of women and girls living with or affected by HIV was reinforced through community-led trainings, creative workshops and production of edutainment materials, including video clips, podcasts, events and a poetry book written by women living with HIV, thanks to the Joint Programme’s support to the feminist group Las MalnaSidas, Asociación de Ayuda al Sero Positivo (ASEPO) community health centre and networks of adolescents and young people affected by HIV (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). A total of 35 women living or affected by HIV were empowered to advocate for their rights to healthcare and social support services through a series of training sessions on public speech and advocacy materials in collaboration with Frontiers network of people living with HIV, five civil society organizations and the Municipality of Montevideo (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, 1500 women living with HIV and their families improved their understanding of the right to motherhood among women living with HIV and were informed about prevention of HIV vertical transmission services (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat).
The LGBTQI+ community intensified its advocacy and awareness-creation efforts through technical and financial support from the Joint Programme. For instance, a social media campaign, featuring four video spots on the rights of LGBTQI+ people generated wide public attention. Distribution of 50 000 information leaflets and six open public events further raised awareness on the rights of people from the LGBTQI+ community (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). An assessment of the rights of people from the LGBTQI+ community conducted in the department of Florida gathered new evidence on their experiences in health, workplace, and public spaces; the management of sexual identity and orientation within the family; and their sexual health. Finally, results from two studies on the human rights of lesbian women and older gay men in Montevideo generated strategic information expected to further inform local policies and decision-making (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat).