In Mozambique, the Joint Programme support focused on improving knowledge of HIV, SRH, gender-based violence and substance abuse among young people and key populations while promoting disability inclusion. About 650 000 adolescents and young people received information on HIV and teenage pregnancy prevention, SRH, consistent use of condoms, gender-based violence as well as alcohol and drug abuse through the Nossa Cena campaign (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). In eight provinces, 140 000 adolescents and young women also improved their knowledge of HIV and gender-based violence prevention, harmful practices and male engagement through regional forums (UN Women, ILO, UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, the Ministry of Education and Human Development finalised a comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) framework for primary and secondary schools. Fifty trainers received training on gender-based violence and delivery of sexuality education (UNESCO).
Close to 40 000 informal workers and their customers in four provinces accessed HIV self-testing kits and condoms and improved their knowledge of HIV and gender-based violence prevention and disability inclusion through campaigns in the workplace (UNDP, ILO, UNAIDS Secretariat). Similarly, 250 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) business owners were sensitized on these topics and empowered to promote disability inclusion; and 90 representatives of associations of people who use drugs are better equipped to implement HIV prevention, sexual and gender-based violence and human rights programmes in two provinces.