Community-led awareness creation and rapid HIV testing programmes expanded access to HIV services among key populations in Madagascar, thanks to strategic support from the Joint Programme in line with the Global HIV Prevention Coalition roadmap. For instance, about 200 000 sex workers improved their knowledge of HIV services of whom more than 145 000 had voluntary counselling and testing and 2070 tested positive for HIV. Further, 22 000 men who have sex with men and people who inject drugs were sensitized about HIV prevention and testing and more than 4100 of them were subsequently diagnosed with HIV. In addition, index testing helped to diagnose HIV infections among 430 people living with HIV, thanks to a partnership with government and civil society organizations (WHO, UNAIDS Secretariat). HIV and syphilis screening for pregnant women and children was also strengthened through procurement of 4800 boxes of HIV and syphilis dual testing kits and training of 23 healthcare providers on delivery of services for the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV (UNICEF). More than 7.5 million condoms were also distributed in the 2022-2023 biennium, with support from the Joint Programme (UNFPA).