Below graph illustrates the donors' annual core contribution to the Joint Programme and non-core contributions to the UNAIDS Secretariat.
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UNAIDS is uniquely placed to lead the global AIDS response. By showcasing the connection between financial investments and results achieved around the world, this Portal demonstrates how a modest investment in UNAIDS will deliver maximum impact.
UNAIDS’ budget represents only 1% of total HIV resources and can be used to leverage over US$20 billion of investments from national governments, PEPFAR and the Global Fund. Taking this path is a political and financial choice which will save 1.8 million additional lives by 2030.
Invest to end AIDS, fight inequalities and save lives.
Explore the wide range of information available on the UNAIDS Results and Transparency Portal―from our generous donors to our investments at country, regional and global levels, all prerequisites to our collective results and progress towards ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

UNAIDS Results
UNAIDS results are articulated around three Outcomes and 10 Result Areas at output level, as defined in the 2022–2026 UNAIDS Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF).
Click on each of these cards to learn more about the results achieved by the Joint Programme.
Equitable access and reap equitable benefits from HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services.

Communities are empowered, enabled and effectively resourced to lead HIV service delivery, advocate for and enjoy their right to health, and social and structural drivers of the HIV epidemic are removed.

Effective, equitable and sustainable systems to achieve 2025 targets, through robust financing, service integration, HIV service access in emerging settings, and pandemic preparedness and responses.
Resources and Investments
The interactive graphs show the available resources and investments of the Joint Programme, and illustrate how investments are distributed across different regions and thematic areas.
Results in Countries
Travel the world in a few clicks and learn about UNAIDS work and results achieved in over 90 countries.
Browse the Documents Library to access key publications on UNAIDS contributions to advancing the global HIV response while ensuring high standards of transparency and accountability.