In 2022, the Joint Team reinforced Guinea-Bissau’s efforts to improve public awareness and access to HIV testing, prevention, and treatment services. Various strategies were developed to guide the national response, including the national protocols for comprehensive clinical management of people living with HIV; the guidance on clinical management of children living with HIV; and the practical guidance for comprehensive clinical management of adolescents and adults living with HIV in Canchungo town, Cacheu Region (WHO). A total of 29 healthcare professionals received a training to support integration of HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), tuberculosis, hepatitis, and community immunisation services with sexual, reproductive, maternal and neonatal health services (UNFPA). In addition, 3500 OraQuik rapid HIV test kits, 8300 rapid hepatitis C and 12 000 hepatitis B test kits were procured, strengthening diagnostic services in the country (WHO). More than 92 000 condoms were also distributed through collaboration with a non-governmental organization (UNFPA).
A total of 960 people living with HIV received food assistance in 2022 to ensure adherence to treatment and improve their health outcomes (WFP).