In Gabon, the Joint Programme support enabled the Government to scale up HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health literacy and services to curb new HIV infections among adolescents and young people. As part of the QG Jeune digital project, 20 000 people were reach with HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health messages and 7500 adolescents and young people accessed HIV prevention and testing services through mobile clinics operated by three civil society organizations with support from the Joint Programme. The newly launched Hello Ado mobile application reached 15 000 young people with information on HIV, sexually transmitted infections, teenage pregnancy, gender-based violence and drug use. In addition, 40 representatives of youth organizations were sensitized on HIV, sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services among adolescents and young people (UNFPA).
In Estuaire, Haut Ogooué and Moyen Ogooué provinces, 528 teachers and 77 school counsellors, social workers and health staff received training and subsequently conducted comprehensive sexuality education for over 40 000 students thanks to the technical support from the Joint Programme (UNFPA). An additional 384 teachers and support staff from high schools and training centres also received trainings on sexual and reproductive health and rights, while 224 learners and young leaders built their capacity to run health clubs (UNESCO). Besides, 19 733 students were sensitized on sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence and drug use through awareness-raising activities organized in pre-primary, primary and secondary school in four cities. More than 60 young people received guidance to better communicate on the Education Plus initiative while adolescent girls and boys from Gabon held dialogues with women ministers and parliamentarians on their concerns, proposed solutions and vision (UNFPA).