As a result of sustained advocacy by the Joint Programme, the Government included dolutegravir as second-line treatment regimen in the National Free Antiretroviral Treatment programme starting from 2023 benefitting more than one million people living with HIV in China. Additionally, the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, for the first time in 2022, disclosed information on AIDS-related deaths with strategic support by the Joint Programme, including training on Spectrum and Estimation and Projection Package (EEP), development of simple algorithm for AIDS-related death classification and localization of software models (WHO, UNAIDS Secretariat).
China made significant progress towards the triple elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B virus through the launch of the National Action Plan for EMTCT 2025, the establishment of a national EMTCT experts committee and the implementation of a subnational EMTCT validation exercise (UNICEF, WHO, UNAIDS Secretariat).
Evidence on literacy of HIV prevention and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) among occupational school students was strengthened with data collected from 15 occupational schools in five provinces (UNESCO, UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, age-appropriate and scientific comprehensive CSE and youth-friendly healthcare services were integrated into the Reproductive Health Promotion Action Plan 2023-2025 in collaboration with the National Health Commission and Ministry of Education and China Family Planning Association (UNFPA).