In Timor-Leste, the Joint Team supported the revision of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV self-testing guidelines and standard operating procedures; development of recording and reporting forms and electronic database, including procurement of 35 tablet computers; establishment of a new drop-in-centre and training of healthcare providers and human and financial capacity building of Associação Comunidade Progresso, a key population organization to support implementation of the pilot PrEP and HIV self-testing programmes in 2023 (UNFPA, WHO). The pilot programmes will provide PrEP for at least 200 individuals with higher risk of HIV infection and HIV self-testing for 1500 individuals. In addition, HIV self-testing kits and PrEP medicines were procured to support ongoing HIV prevention and testing programmes (WHO).
More than two million male condoms, 900 000 lubricants, and 6000 dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic test kits were procured, strengthening access to HIV prevention and testing services among key populations (UNFPA). In addition, 170 people living with HIV received HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights information, of whom 16 people were referred to healthcare and support services, including medical check-ups and viral load testing (UNFPA).
In five districts, 10 913 people, including people from key populations accessed HIV testing services and peer education on HIV prevention, testing and treatment as well as sexual and reproductive health services. In addition, 337 members of the National Police of Timor-Leste were oriented on prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual and reproductive health, and gender-based violence; 58 officers also had voluntary HIV testing and counselling (UNFPA). Close to 300 young people (in and out-of-school) participated in various interactive debates improving their knowledge of HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health, thanks to a partnership with Organização Estrela+ and Youth Leadership Development Program – YLDP, local civil society organizations (UNFPA).
National guidelines and protocols for antenatal and postnatal care were developed; new national guidelines for elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (EMTCT) were launched and the integrated HIV, hepatitis and STI costed National Strategic Plan 2022-2026 was finalised and endorsed by the Ministry of Health to strengthen the country’s progress towards triple elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B (UNFPA, WHO).