In Lesotho, the Joint Programme supported the revision of the National AIDS Strategy (2023-2028) and its implementation of various HIV-related policies, strategies and guidelines improving access and quality of HIV services among children and adolescent girls and young women, and key populations.
Robust advocacy and technical support resulted in the addition of CAB-LA pre-exposure prophylaxis to the list of essential medicines with focus on scaling up this service among adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. Thus, more than 31 000 people accessed CAB-LA (WHO, UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, over 8.9 million male and over 51 000 female condoms and 123 000 tubes of lubricants were distributed across the country during the 2022-2023 biennium (UNFPA). Integrated HIV awareness creation, food security and social protection programmes also reached more than 70 000 people residing in drought prone districts (WFP).
Lesotho took significant steps in scaling up integrated HIV and tuberculosis services which resulted in increased TB case finding and treatment coverage while strengthening health system resilience through the implementation of the first Integrated Health Sector HIV/TB Strategic Plan. This included integration of point-of-care urine lipoarabinomannan testing among people living with HIV; introduction and scale up of point-of-care tests for advance HIV disease, including CD4 counts; and integration of Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) into primary health care (WHO). Progress was also made towards the elimination of vertical transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B (UNICEF).