In 2022-2023, the Joint Programme in Argentina focused on improving access to quality HIV services among key populations, in particular combination HIV prevention. For instance, the latest national combination HIV prevention implementation plan establishes clear guidelines for the expansion of prevention, rapid testing and treatment services among adolescents, young people and key populations (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, the Government introduced female condoms in the public health system and 10 000 brochures with information on their use and benefits were distributed to healthcare facilities (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat).
Community-led HIV prevention programmes and peer support were strengthened in Buenos Aires, Jujuy, Mendoza and Tucumán cities through capacity building sessions organized by the Joint Programme. This initiative resulted in the initiation on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) of around 3500 people in 2022-2023 (WHO, UNAIDS Secretariat). Multisectoral teams of health, human rights and social development professionals improved their knowledge of combination HIV prevention strategies, rapid HIV testing and referrals, and social protection policies for key populations, particularly sex workers, transgender women and other people from the LGBTQI+ community. Access to sexual and reproductive health, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) information and referral services was strengthened in remote areas of Misiones and Santiago del Estero through the establishment of networks of youth promoters. This was complemented by the training of 56 adolescents and young people and 38 accompanying adults on the promotion of these services in partnership with Fundación Huésped (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat). Adolescents and young people also designed social media messages and spots to raise awareness on condom use for HIV and STIs prevention (UNFPA, UNAIDS Secretariat).