Cote d'Ivoire
Cote d’Ivoire continued to expand HIV prevention, testing and treatment services for vulnerable and key populations with special focus on adolescents and young people. The Government revised the national pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) guidelines and adopted the three-step HIV testing algorithms with technical contributions from the Joint Programme (WHO). In addition, 4.9 million adolescents and young people were sensitized on HIV prevention and testing via digital platforms including U-reports, Hello Ado, e-santé and À l'Assaut du sida (UNICEF, UNFPA, UNESCO, UNAIDS Secretariat). These platforms extended access to HIV prevention and testing services to 93 547 young people, including distribution of 54 200 HIV-self testing kits and more than 213 000 condoms (UNICEF).
In addition, digital and in person social and behavioural change communication initiatives and promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights in school setting increased awareness among over 300 000 young people. Besides, 834 teachers received capacity building training on these topics benefiting 96 449 students (UNICEF, UNESCO) A total of 3920 young people and 3670 parents also improved their understanding of sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescents and teenage pregnancies through intergenerational dialogues (UNFPA).
As part of the VCT@Work initiative, 2833 workers in Abidjan and Grand Lahou accessed HIV testing services. Besides, a government-led survey on the working conditions of key populations, mainly people living with disabilities and people living with HIV helped to fill disaggregated data gaps in the labour market through financial and technical assistance from the Joint Programme. The Occupational Health and Safety Directorate also developed a national policy document to further scale up the HIV response in the workplace (ILO).