With the Joint Programme’s strategic support, Guyana remains committed to reducing new HIV infections and upholding the rights of its citizens to healthcare, while ensuring the sustainability of the national HIV response. For instance, the Government increased government spending for health thanks to the intense advocacy and technical support from the Joint Programme (UNAIDS Secretariat).
Pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis were introduced in 15 sites and 61 people from key populations accessed these services in 2023 (WHO). A total of 240 sex workers from Region-10 accessed HIV testing services and information on HIV, COVID-19 and gender-based violence prevention, and received 7500 condoms through a sex worker peer outreach initiative supported by the Joint Programme (UNFPA). Another outreach initiative in bars, clubs, sex venues and other public places further reached 70 people, including adolescents and young people with messages on HIV prevention (UNFPA). Besides, a total of 54 peer educators were trained to improve HIV and syphilis knowledge among young people, while five peer educators were mobilized to promote proper and consistent use of condoms among adolescent and young people on social media platforms (UNICEF, UNFPA).