UNAIDS Secretariat Spending by Function in 2022 (Core and Non-Core Expenditure and Encumbrances)

Total:   $ 205 294 093



The UNAIDS Secretariat drives the global AIDS agenda and mobilizes political commitment and resources for the response to AIDS. It advocates for global health and social justices, putting civil society at the centre of the AIDS response, and amplifies the voices of people and communities most affected by HIV. The Secretariat also strengthens the evidence base, supports and advocates for effective HIV interventions, sustainable financing, and scaled up community HIV responses.

The five Secretariat Functions detail the core responsibilities and monitor achievements within the UBRAF:

  • S1. Leadership, advocacy, and communication
  • S2. Partnerships, mobilization, and innovation
  • S3. Strategic information
  • S4. Coordination, convening and country implementation support
  • S5. Governance and mutual accountability

Through these functions, the Secretariat works across all Result Areas in collaboration with convening Cosponsors according to the UNAIDS Division of Labour. 

Find more details in the Organizational report. 


The visual above shows the Secretariat's core and non-core spending by each Core Function. Core funds are intended to fund the core functions of the Secretariat and provide catalytic funding for the HIV-related work of 11 Cosponsors. Non-core funds are supplementary and extra-budgetary funds mobilized by the Secretariat at national, regional and global level that are for the most part earmarked for very specific purposes and cannot easily replace more flexible core funds.