Expansion of HIV prevention and testing services, especially among adolescents, young people and key populations was at the core of the Joint Programme’s support in Angola during the 2022-2023 biennium. Thus, the newly developed National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2023-2026 placed stronger emphasis on accelerating HIV prevention across the five Global HIV Prevention Coalition Roadmap pillars following a successful advocacy by the Joint Team (UNAIDS Secretariat). In addition, the newly developed operational plan for prisons will improve access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services in prisons following advocacy and technical support from the Joint Programme (UNFPA, UNODC, UNAIDS Secretariat).
HIV testing reliability was improved through the introduction of the three consecutive HIV testing algorithm in the national HIV testing algorithm in four provinces (WHO). Besides, more than 1000 Congolese refugees and community members around the Lovua refugee camp in Lunda Norte accessed HIV testing and were subsequently referred to treatment services and psychosocial support (UNHCR).