UNODC Spending by Result Area in 2022 (Core and Non-Core Expenditure and Encumbrances)

Total:   $ 7 583 188



UNODC, UNAIDS's convening agency for HIV among people who use drugs and people in prison, implements its mandate in full compliance with the relevant declarations, resolutions and decisions from the UN General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the Commission on Crime Prevention and the Criminal Justice and the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board. UNODC’s comparative advantage within the Joint Programme stems from its mandate and strong expertise in working with and between ministries of health, justice and interior, drug control agencies, law enforcement and prison authorities, and civil society and community-led organizations, including networks of people who use drugs. UNODC’s role in reducing HIV among its mandated key populations is cross-cutting, involving technical guidance and assistance, capacity building, procurement and targeted advocacy for effective coordination and policy-making.

UNODC support to countries is based on the comprehensive package of HIV prevention, treatment and care services, the UN Standards Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) and the Technical Brief on HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons and other closed settings: a comprehensive package of interventions

Global AIDS Strategy and the UNODC Strategy (2021–2025) in synergy to magnify their impact on the HIV response among people who use drugs and people in prisons. The Global AIDS Strategy and the 2021 Political Declaration outline the 10–10–10 targets which aim to reduce restrictive legal and policy frameworks, gender-based inequalities and stigma and discrimination.

Find more details in the Organizational report.