UNAIDS relies on voluntary contributions from a range of donors and development partners, including governments, bilateral aid agencies, foundations, private sector entities, other multilateral actors (including UNAIDS Cosponsors or other institutions), and individuals.

The Joint Programme receives both core and non-core funds. Core funds are intended to fund the core functions of the Secretariat and provide catalytic funding for the HIV-related work of 11 Cosponsors. Non-core funds are supplementary and extra-budgetary funds mobilized by the Secretariat at national, regional and global level that are for the most part earmarked for very specific purposes and cannot easily replace more flexible core funds.

UNAIDS Joint Resource Mobilization Strategy aims to mobilize US$ 210 million annually towards a fully-funded UBRAF. UNAIDS will also continue to advocate for a fully-funded HIV response and will support civil society efforts to mobilize additional funding for effective advocacy for the global HIV response. The current plan focuses on three broad pillars; strengthened government donor funding, expanded private sector resources, and leveraged partnerships and innovative financing.

A funding gap for the UBRAF seriously threatens UNAIDS’ ability to deliver on its 2021-2026 Global AIDS Strategy.

The 2022-2026 Strategy relies on four key areas of change to sustainably raise US$ 210 million per year to fully fund the UNAIDS 2022–2026 UBRAF and end AIDS by 2030:

  • UNAIDS will continue to create an enabling environment across the organization that clearly prioritizes resource mobilization. UNAIDS’ focus and organizational capacity will need to adapt to the changed availability and types of donor funds. UNAIDS will reach its UBRAF financial target primarily through core funding, augmented by additional funding options.
  • To secure this funding, UNAIDS will transform its partnerships, and concentrate on the greatest return on investment and opportunities, by adopting two key practices: market segmentation and account planning. 
  • To make the case for investment and develop successful proposals, UNAIDS will further develop its value proposition, as well as its ability to produce compelling proposals that align with the interests of donors (and global needs) and help to secure funding from different mechanisms.
  • Resource mobilization is a concern of the whole organization. UNAIDS will o continue to develop its capacity, building and supporting an adaptive, coherent and global team that can mobilize and manage larger-scale funding in a changing external context. This capacity development will also focus on continuously improving efficiencies, maximizing available resources and reducing transaction costs.